Monday, October 24, 2005

World as it is

There is a world called Tellus, which we humans, amongst many other creatures live upon. Human population reaches soon six milliard people. In this tiny planet of ours (Jupiter is about 300 hundred times bigger) we have six milliard people living in their own world, interpreting this world in unique way. One could say that there is about six milliard ontology’s of this world/existence.
In one world there exists so many worlds; is there connection between these worlds? -A question many have asked. Renee Descartes famously concluded, “Cogito ergo sum” I think, therefore I am. But who is that is thinking, can I be sure it is I, might someone ask. We can’t be sure of anything actually. We can’t know in the pure sense of knowing that there even is these six milliard other people, or the world, nor Jupiter or whatsoever. We live in our subjective world; we see world through our eyes only.
Interesting then is, that we all believe we live in the same world, that there is something we all see and hear. And we have cultivated this believe very far, we have constructed our whole “objective world” upon it. We have defined our objective world, what it is and what it isn’t. We have invented science to explore this world. We have gone so far that we don’t remember anymore that the objective is only a belief, something commonly agreed.
All this is fine, we need to believe in order to live and function. But what makes it problematic is that this belief has been dogmatized. And people who contradict are not listened. We have lost our own subjective experience in order to build objective experience. Paradoxical and also ironical part is that in our age certain kind of individualism has also gone to the extremes. Individuality whish is born out of the collective objective truth, not out of our subjective experience.
What if we could build our objective world differently? Could we accept the fact that we may not have a clue what is really going on here? Could we wonder about this? Can there be something in our existence, which is common to all of us without the need to compromise? As science and our objective believes of the world relies on rationality and logic, could we leave all that behind and search if we have something in common in more humane level; in irrational feeling based level?
Life is irrational, chaotic, the law of cause and effect is only an invention, mere belief, which does make the world easier place to be, but is not necessary true. Nonetheless it doesn’t always work.
The world as it is, is a mystery. Something our logical mind cannot reach. That doesn´t mean it can’t be experienced.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Helou Katri also! Nice to hear from you!! I do notice there is a nice discussion going on about art, just thought I copypaset it here so its easier to read

So I wrote:
We just had this seminar about hybrid art practices, in other words, the role of artist nowadays. What is art and artist anyway? Its a open question.. We all do art dont we?

I just had a exhibition with two of my friends, and even as it was a really nice exhibition and all, I started wondering why the hell I am doing this? It costed me a lot of money and took lots of time to make this exhibition, and what do I get out of it - One article in newspaper, some thoughts in the opening. some experience. Maybe the wish that sometime in the future something will happen...

And its like this with lot of artists, they provide something and pay for it. Maybe it´s just me, but I think something is missing here...

Hybrid art in one way offers a way for artist to pursue new ways for their art, in one way it´s a way to survive as artist in this world.

Pessi said...
Terve vaa juu - - -
How nice to write in English - I don't need to insert a & o umlauts via character map or 'special characters'. /// Yes, art-as-a-job isn't really happening, at least not in Finland, eh? I wish to have artistry as my JOB, not as a hobby. If art really was integrated to the society, it would be a profession instead of a subsidized activity. Farming in Finland is somewhat similar: without EU subsidies, no one would be a professional farmer in Finland.
Maybe this started way back with the Enlightenment, and the 'disciplinarizing' of the arts (G.E. Lessing: Laocoon, about 1766). Since then, arts have resided in more or less separate camps.
Interdisciplinary art doesn't segregate, or close itself in an ivory tower, it can be integrated into everything else: look at almost any old or even indigenous culture and you'll find things that point to this: First Nations of Canada, Gamelan of Bali or Java, flamenco, african music/dance; all consisting of a multitude of parts, each autonomous, yet inseparable from the whole.

15 October, 2005 01:35

Katri said...
Wow! Hello Pessi and Tomi! First thank you Tomi spending your time putting up this blog. It´s an excelent idea, and gives joy. Perhaps that´s why you did it.

Pessi; I liked your compair between agriculture and art in Finland.

I recognise the feeling one sometimes gets after putting up an exhibition. For me it is not only related to spending all my little money in it, put to the idea that why should that be the way to communicate with art.
( I couldn´t make it to your opening, but visited there one day after it - it was one of the energetig ones I saw that day in Tampere.)
I`ve started to reed Like´s published book about International Situationists. IS has always been so exciting for me. It is connected to the idea of fading the border between art and life. (I have had and still do have difficulties of using the word ART...Should I invent another word for what I do and want to do?) In the first pages there were written; " We should not change the way people see pictures, but the way they see streets".
Rain or broken overdrived tomato on asfalt can be so much stronger than paintings on the walls. Jari Jula answered to my essay on second year in AMK, that;" You should remember, that only thing rain can do is to make you wet. You make the rain touching." So can it be really compaired? Picture made by human carring perhaps a meaning/message and natures´ powers?

Back to me again...
Maybe we should change also our view how, we look at people looking at art? And I think thats a great ideat, we all should do - to change the way how we look at life, things around us etc.
First time I came to Bergen and saw the fjords and little wooden houses adn everything I was amazed, so charming. Now lately, when I came to bergen I was listening to music in airport buss and lost in my thoughts, or when I go to library and wal across this beatiful bond, and where you can see the mountains, I rarely look at them... It´s so easy to get used to things. And when you get used to something, it stops being intresting. We lose our respect to that thing in a way.
Wouldn´t it be great if we could all the time see everything as fresh, without limiting boxes, -you know this is this, this is this street, there are the mountains. Then we could see that smashed tomaton in the street and look how beatiful it is.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Three tre kolme

So nice to hear from you Pessi!

Interdisciplinary: relating to more than one branch of knowledge.

In other words, using our full, or at least more of our capacity than just one specialised skill. So what is interdisciplinary art then? Is it that many specialist of different fields come togehter and create something together, or one person expanding his/her skills and working area? Or both?

In a way I like the idea of expanding my area. I am a painter and I´m mainly painting in watercolor and tempera, so my focus on the art field is very narrow. Art, for me, is a way to comprehending this world, what ever it may or may not be. One can use one very specialised equpment for this and get good results, and/or one can look around and use different things and also this one specialised tool also and get maybe even better results. (Or chaos...)


Well sun is shining here in Bergen, which is a small miracle -as it rains something like 330 days here... So I will go out and enjoy it.


So finally got this thing established. It´s amazing ohw much time all the computer stuff takes... It makes one question why do I do this? It has to be something about the urge to connect with the rest of us on this planet.

We just had this seminar about hybrid art practices, in other words, the role of artist nowadays. What is art and artist anyway? Its a open question.. We all do art dont we?

I just had a exhibition with two of my friends, and even as it was a really nice exhibition and all, I started wondering why the hell I am doing this? It costed me a lot of money and took lots of time to make this exhibition, and what do I get out of it - One article in newspaper, some thoughts in the opening. some experience. Maybe the wish that sometime in the future something will happen...

And its like this with lot of artists, they provide something and pay for it. Maybe it´s just me, but I think something is missing here...

Hybrid art in one way offers a way for artist to pursue new ways for their art, in one way it´s a way to survive as artist in this world.

Friday, October 14, 2005

First thing

First thing in life: Breath in.


This is my first blog, and it´s first entry. I have been through lots of computer hell to get started in blogging. First I started to install this open source wordpress, and got completely confused in setting it up with my new web server... Then I thought: oh well I´ll blog to my .mac page.. But you know these blogging apps cost money, so I got back to wordpress and found out I had only typing error and voila! my wordpress blog was ready... only to found out that my web server had problems...
But determined as I was, I thought, ok I go for the web-based blogs. and here I am.

So really, the night has come to the city of bergen, where I currently stay. I am studying my MA in visual arts here. Otherwise I consider my home is in Finland.

So I guess my blog will be about the field of visual arts as I understand and comprehend it. Also about sound art, macintosh things and

about the mysterious existence of life.

So for now, bye